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The 18 Laws of Magick


 " Worship the Gods, do no evil, practice courage" 

                                                   -Diviciacus (Druid to the Aeduii) 


1) Law of perception: 


   The world we perceive is actually the interface of the nominal world of objective reality, and the phenomenal world of subjective reality. Changing our perception does not change the eternal world of objective reality, though it does change the mutable world of subjective reality. This is important because it is the world(s) we touch, see, and act upon. Changing our perception makes real changes in the world which is real to us. Because there are an infinite number of ways to perceive the world there are an infinite number of worlds we may assemble with our awareness. The true underlying reality is unknowable to us as long as we retain the world view of separateness and self. You can become one with the universe, but you cannot step back and observe it, because you are in it. You cannot observe a phenomenon without altering it by your mode of perception. There is no such thing as an independent observer. We participate in creating the world by perceiving it. 




2) Law of Attention: 


   The more evidence one looks for to support a given law, conclusion, or world view, the more one will find. Worldviews have inertia. Since we create our world each moment, we are constantly maintaining our world view. This is done by means of a recursive dialogue of words and symbols with which we constantly edit our perceptions. By rearranging our attention, we rearrange our worldview. 




3) Law of Synchronicity: 


   Synchronicity is a term invented by Dr. Carl Jung to describe meaningful coincidences that cannot be described by the law of cause and effect. They are events connected by pattern (meaning) rather than time. Some interpret this as a developing and ongoing dialogue between the perceiver and the consciousness of the universe. This dialogue is overt to the degree the perceiver is receptive to (aware of) it.  




4) Law of Vantage (Relative Truth): 


   Every statement is true in one sense, false in one sense, and meaningless in one sense. This is the function of one's vantage point (worldview).  




5) Law of Pragmatism: 


   If it works, it is true.  A worldview is only valid if it enables its perceivers to accomplish their goals. The more successful a worldview is in fulfilling the goal structure that its viewers posses, the more valid it could be said to be. 




6) Law of Paradox: 


   No worldview may encompass the whole world. Two models ("Laws") may conflict with each other and still be true in their proper context. Two people may experience the same event yet perceive entirely different occurrences. Rationality is limited by the intellect, the world is not. The world is not bound by the confines of our worldview. 




7) Law of Unity: 


   Everything (Through all space and time) is linked, either directly or indirectly, to everything else.  




8) Law of Reflection: 


   The microcosm the macrocosm. The part contains the whole. As above, so below. Every speck contains the image (pattern) of the entire universe. Each person contains the cosmic image. When the inner image is tuned (brought into resonance) with the outer image, a change in one will be simultaneous with a change in the others. To perceive one is to perceive the other. This is the basis of mantic systems. 




9) Law of Sympathy: 


   If two things have something in common, that thing can be used to influence both; They also exert a mutual influence on each other. The more they have in common, the more influence they exert upon one another. The Law of Sympathy may branch into two Bi-laws.  


     A) Law of Similarity (Sympathetic Magick) 


         The cause and effect resemble (have resonance) with one another. 


     B) Law of Contagion (Homeopathic Magick) 


         Things, once in contact, continue to interact after separation. Anything once in contact with a        substance, person, or object may be used as a "witness" for that substance, person, or object. 




10) Law of Connection: 


   Every action is an energy exchange. To have power over something is for it to have power over you. To oppose something is to maintain it. Two opposites each contain the essence of the other. 




11) Law of Synthesis: 


   Any two opposing forces of concepts may be unified in a force or concept wich will contain both the original opposites. 




12) Law of Duality (The Tripartite Law): 


    Any concept or force may be divided into two totally opposite concepts or forces, each containing the essence of the other. Opposites can be defined only in relation to each other. The original and undivided concept or force is the third point of occurrence, making this the Tripartite law. 




13) Law of Personification: 


   Any concept, force, object, or phenomena may be considered to be alive, to have a personality. To be an entity. 


 Law of Invocation and Evocation (Corollary of Personification) 


   Any concepts, forces, or objects which manifest as entities can, and should be treated as real beings. These beings (patterns) can also be viewed as objectified aspects of ourselves, but it is useless (perhaps even dangerous) to take this attitude while actually dealing with them. Do not be fooled just because something is a personification of a pattern of energies. You can be described this way too. 

If you can imagine it you can invoke it, if you can invoke it it will come.




14) Law of interfaces: 


    Power exists in the interfaces of things. These are the between places that are not entirely one thing or another. All chief times of change are considered powerful. 




15) Law of Words (Symbols) of power: 


    There are words (symbols) that are able to change the inner/ outer realities of those using/ receiving them. These words/ symbols do not necessarily need to be consciously understood by those using/ perceiving them in der to have their effect. 




16) Law of Names: 


    A name is the thing named. There is an analogical correspondence between the sign and the thing signified There is a connection created by shared structure. To know a things true name is to know its nature. To know a things true names to have complete control over it. You cannot command something to do anything against its nature. 




17) Law of Nominalization: 


    When you label something you exclude information about it. When you symbolize something you impose the deep structure of the symbol system used on the way you perceive the thing symbolized. People tend to believe that they would understand something when they have a name for it. This is called nominalization. Nominalization is an important tool; However, we must be aware when using it. 




18) Law of Specification: 


    The more information contained in a symbol, the more general (vague) it becomes. The more specific a symbol system is, the more information it excludes. The more perfect is the sign, the more perfect is the correspondence. 



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